About Marisa Wright:
Scottish by birth, Australian by choice, my love of dance was sparked at the age of three by a performance of La Fille Mal Gardée by the Royal Ballet. When childhood illness thwarted my dreams of a ballet career, I turned my creativity to writing, finishing my first novel by the age of 17
As my health improved, dancing took over my life, in tandem with a corporate career. I had no time for writing until I took early retirement. At first I concentrated on non-fiction writing online, as I needed to create an income. However, I have also been able to start writing novels based on some of the many ideas I've jotted down over the years.
What inspires you to write?
Inspiration has come at various times in various places over my lifetime, but all I could do was jot down the ideas, because I was so busy working and dancing. It's hard to say exactly what triggers off an idea. I find it interesting that my stories always end up travelling around the globe, using my own memories of places visited.
Tell us about your writing process.
I am a pantster. I have tried to outline and it's been a disaster, as a large part of my joy in writing comes from discovering how the story is going to turn out. I am also extremely undisciplined and get distracted when I'm writing.
How do you develop your characters?
I do a lot of my scene development and character development lying in bed before I fall asleep, or drowsing in the morning. I'll run my story like a movie (I'm the actor playing the part of the heroine, rather than an audience member) and see what happens.
What authors inspire you?
It may sound like a strange choice, but I'd love to be able to write like Dick Francis, the famous jockey-turned-author. It's 99% certain that he didn't write the novels, his wife Mary did. I love them because the hero detective/investigator is always someone I can fall in love with (I suspect Mary did too), and the action/suspense is always exciting but not violent, gritty or gross. When his wife died, his son took over as co-author and the books were simply not the same, losing that feminine touch that made them so lovely.
How do you keep going in the midst of distractions?
I don't. I am dreadful for yielding to distractions. I am lucky to be retired so I have lots of hours in the day, so even with distractions I can manage to get some writing done.
What are your hobbies when you need a break from writing?
Grab a cup of coffee, do some research, go for a walk.
What romance genres do you write?: Romantic suspense
Do you write in genres that are not romance related?
I didn't set out to write romantic suspense so I may well write in another genre in the future.
What formats are your books in?: eBook, Print
Where to find out more about the author
Marisa Wright Home Page Link
Link To Marisa Wright Page On Amazon
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All information in this post is presented “as is” supplied by the author. We don’t edit to allow you the reader to hear the author in their own voice.
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